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June Ladder Tournament Announcement

Hello, everyone! The following information for our June ladder tournament comes from Tim. You can reach out to him at

For June, we are going to play at the MidAmerican Rec Plex, Overlook room (same place as the league) on Monday nights (June 3, 10, 17, 24).  There will be 2 sections, 1 rated and 1 unrated.  We have the room from 6:30pm to 9:30pm, so I have adjusted the schedule listed below to reflect this.  The cost will be $5 per night, which can be paid each week, or you can pay for the whole month.  We will use a ladder pairing system with the point you will play the person closest to you in rating but have not played previously during the month.  There may be other adjustments - for example, if 2 people travel together to play in the event; I will not pair them with each other without confirming they are ok with that.  The time control will be game 60/ with 5 second delay.  The room rental for the month is $420; if I receive enough entry fees to cover the room rental, I will look at adding some special prizes.

Nightly schedule

6:30pm - room becomes available though I will be on the first floor around 6pm

6:45pm - I will need confirmation by this time if you are playing on a given night either by being there or giving me assurances you will be there

6:46pm - I will make pairings for the evening for both sections

7:00pm - round will start

as with the league, I will be as flexible as possible, but don't want someone to show up and not get a game or wait an hour for someone to show up.  

If you think you will be playing, please let me know as I can use that information to tell others how many to expect on a given evening.  Also, let me know i you have any questions.

Thanks, Tim


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