Missing En Passants
The following is a message from IASCA president Tim McEntee: Mark Capron and Cub Noble have compiled a list of missing En Passants. ...
July Ladder Tournament Announcement
We will be having a July Ladder. We will stay on Monday nights, but won't play on July 1, but will play on July 8, 15, 22, 29. The...
June Ladder Tournament Announcement
Hello, everyone! The following information for our June ladder tournament comes from Tim. You can reach out to him at timmcentee@msn.com....
President's Invitation
From IASCA president and 6-time state champion Tim McEntee: At the annual meeting, I was elected President. For those that don't know...

The Passing of Mitch Weiss
Yesterday, at the annual IASCA meeting, amongst other topics, the passing of IASCA hall of famer Mitch Weiss came up. He passed away in...
2024 Iowa Closed Broadcast
The 2024 Iowa Closed state championship is underway! You can follow along at https://www.bit.ly/24IAclosed.
Iowa DGT Games
Hello! I've been operating DGT boards at various Iowa tournaments since early July of 2023. Ahead of the 2024 Iowa Closed, I figured I'd...

Kosokin and Shetty tie for 1st in the 2024 Leather Jackets
By Bill Broich, NTD, IA National Masters Valeriy Kosokin and Anshul Shetty scored 4.5 points each to tie for first in the 2024 Leather...

Nixon Claims Denker Title
By Bill Broich, IA, NTD The Denker qualifier was held in conjunction with the Barber and Rockefeller qualifiers on February 10, 2024, at...

Dabaeva to Represent Iowa in Rockefeller Championship
By Bill Broich, IA, NTD The Rockefeller qualifier was held in conjunction with the Denker and Rockefeller qualifiers on February 10,...