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The Iowa Closed 2020

This weekend we are holding the Iowa Closed.

We had to cancel the class and Closed tournament in April because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Now we are at a place where we feel we can run the tournament with some added rules. With consent of the six players who earned their spot in the Closed with their points we decided to add the Senior Champion, and the Denker Champion to the field to make it an Eight player event. I, as other board members, felt that since the US Open was canceled and the invitational tournaments are not being held we should give these players a chance to play some chess.

Rounds 1-3 will be played June 27th, round 4 and 5 on June 28th, and rounds 6 and 7 on July 11th. Location tentatively will be Christ the King Church in Iowa City on June 27th and July 11th and the Marriot in Coralville River Landing for June 28th. My Church is now doing socially distanced small services on Sunday.

Some rules that we will be using will be—

· Masks and/or face shields for all players.

· We will be providing the sets and boards and clocks for play.

· Equipment will be cleansed and disinfected before each round.

· We will not be allowing food/drink at the tables.

· It will be US Chess and FIDE rated.

· Players will only touch their pieces. That is if you capture a piece you will simply put your piece in the center of the square of the piece you are capturing and “gently” nudge the opponents piece to the side. The owner of the captured piece will remove it from the board. I am certain this will cause confusion and I will be present to wipe pieces down with a bleach solution on the spot. I also think with a 30 second increment it is a reasonable expectation.

· As usual no electronic recording devices.

· Players must turn in a scoresheet each round.

· We will have individual snack tables within view of the board for players to eat/drink at during the game as eating and drinking will not be allowed at the game table.

· We will have two to three arbiters onsite to assist.

· Penalties will be risk of COVID exposure, and perhaps a two minute penalty, escalating in severity for actions unbecoming a chess player.

I feel everyone in the Closed is a decent human being and will do what is needed to protect one another and have a good game of chess. Thank you Iowa Closed Players for participating.

rounds 1-3 Saturday the 27th of June 9:30 am 2:30pm and 7pm Location Chist the King Church In Iowa City

Rounds 4-5 Sunday June 28th 9 am 3pm The Marriott River Landing in Coralville, The Wallace Room. The trick to parking is park up at the University Of Iowa River Landing parking lot and walk a block and you can park for free all day. It is Sunday so the Clinic is not open.

Rounds 6-7 Saturday July 11th 9am 3pm Christ the King Church in Iowa City

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