IASCA 2016 Minutes of Annual Meeting
IASCA 2016 Minutes of Annual Meeting
April 2, 2016
Meeting called to order by President Vigil at 1 PM
A moment of silence was held in memory of deceased chess players especially past President Roger Gotchall
Secretary’s report read and approved. Jim Freerksen and seconded Christine Denison
Treasurer’s report approved. Rex Grey and seconded by Cub Noble
President’s report--
1. record attendance at Iowa Open
2. largest number of qualifying events for Iowa Championship
3. featured article on-line about 2015 Iowa Open and Pete Karganas had an article in Chess Life about the 2015 Iowa Open
Scholastic Report President Vigil read for Jim Hodina
Financial statement given
Motion to approve by Cub Noble and seconded by Mark Capron
USCF Delegates report by Eric Vigil
Eric serves on both the prison and scholastic committees
Stipend for Denker, Bender and Girls National Tournament proposed at $300 per stipend
Moved by Eric Vigil and seconded by Ron Nurmi
Mark Capron nominated and unanimously approved
Directors 2 positions
Bethany Carson and James Hodina nominated and unanimously approved
2017 USCF Delegates
Eric Vigil nominated as delegate and Robert Keating as alternate
Moved by Mark Capron and seconded by Ron Nurmi approved
Rex Grey will be stepping down referred to IASCA Board
En Passant report
Proposal for a new point structure for qualifying for Iowa Closed. The motion was tabled for board discussion
John Herr nominated for qualifying point report for Iowa closed referred to IASCA Board
Motion to adjourn moved and approved