Paulsen's Legacy Wins Iowa Amateur Team Championship
Congratulations to Paulsen's Legacy consisting of Tim McEntee, Cub Noble, Ty Kroells and Troy Curfman in winning the 2019 Iowa Amateur Team Championship. It was a hard fought battle with top seed, Hikaru's Knightmare an Iowa City/Coralville team, whose top two players were unable to play on Sunday which caused their team to drop to third place allowing the Four Horsemen of the Chesspocalype from Dubuque, to squeeze into second place.
the U1600 Section was won by "Name to be Determined Later" I do hope they have a better name for next year. The U1400 section was won by JAWIS. Thanks again to Dr. Keating for use of the PCI building. With the enthusiastic response for the team tournament format I hope to run this again next year.