Report from the US Open: Denker, Barber, NGTOC & NSTOC
The 119th Annual U. S. Open Chess Championship is being held July 28 through August 5 in Middleton, WI. Concurrent with the start of the U.S. Open are the state invitational championships:
The 2018 Arnold Denker Tournament of High School Champions is an annual event held in conjunction with the U.S. Open, in which the 51 high school champions of each state affiliate and the District of Columbia compete to determine who will be crowned the Denker Champion of Champions. It was founded in 1985 by Grandmaster Arnold Denker
The 2018 Dewain Barber Tournament of K-8 Champions was founded in 2011 by Dewain Barber to provide a competition comparable to the Denker tournament for younger students.
The 2018 National Girls’ Tournament of Champions is a tournament of Champions for girls from across the United States. It is held annually in the model of the Denker and Barber Tournaments.
The 2018 National Senior Tournament of Champions is a tournament of Champions for seniors from across the United States. This is the first year for this tournament, and the fourth tournament in the "Tournament of Champions" series.
Iowa sent representative for each tournament, Arshaq Saleem, Owen Fiedorowicz, Sarah Faith Carson, and Jim Hodina, respectively.
The six round tournaments were played over four days, concluding July 31. Games were dual US Chess / FIDE rated with a time control of Game in 90 minutes with a 30 second increment. A summary of each state’s scholastic division results is provided through this link: Denker, Barber NGTOC State Team Standings. Iowa’s team finished a respectable 27th out of the 50 states (Iowa ranks 30th by population). Arshaq had the best individual result of the team with a score of 4.0/6.0. Owen and Sarah Faith each had 2.5/6.0.The results of the Senior TOC, which was held for the first time this year, provided separately from the scholastic results, where Jim Hodina finished 3.0/6.0. Standings are shown online as well