Annual Membership Meeting, April 9, 12:30 pm, Des Moines, Holiday Inn - Airport, Room 292
Dear Iowa State Chess Association Members,
IASCA will be holding its annual Membership Meeting, on April 9 at 12:30 pm. It will be hosted in-person at the Holiday Inn Airport in Des Moines, 6111 Fluer Ave. Members may also join online via Zoom. The Zoom link for the meeting is
posted on the IASCA website and included at the end of this post. This is the only meeting that brings together the membership, the elected officers, and the appointed staff to conduct the business of the association. Your participation is encouraged and valued.
The meeting agenda is identified in the IASCA By-Laws as follows. Italicized items are presentations and actions to be brought before the membership.
Introduction of Board members, other elected members, and recognition of honored members.
USCF Board member, Randy Bauer to address the memberships.
Minutes of the prior meeting.
2021 IASCA Memberships Meetings MInutes have been posted online and a motion to approve the minutes will be requested
President’s Report (including input from committees).
Treasurer’s Report.
Election of Officers and At Large Directors.
The officers of Iowa Chess shall be a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. They shall be elected at the annual meeting of the membership, serve three-year terms, and the term of one officer shall expire each year.
Treasurer, term expiring of Ming Lodh, who was elected in 2019.
Election or Appointment of other positions, which may include delegates, voting members, and alternates to the United States Chess Federation.
The Board shall include four At Large Directors, to be elected at the annual meeting of the membership, who will each serve two-year terms, with half of the terms expiring each year.
Two director terms are expiring, Bob Keating and Bill Broich, who were each elected in 2019.
Selection of US Chess Delegate and Delegate Alternate
Unfinished Business.
At the 2021 Membership Meeting, a motion was made and tabled by Eric Vigil to expand the Iowa Closed Championship to eight (8) players by adding the Iowa Senior Champion and the Iowa K-12 Champion. This motion will be brought to vote.
New Business.
Discuss and decide on IASCA Stipends for the US National Tournaments of Champions
Discuss and decide on Clearinghouse Position and Procedure:
IASCA seeks a volunteer to serve as the Tournament Clearinghouse Coordinator for the state.
Approval of a procedure for the Tournament Clearinghouse
James Hodina, President
James Hodina is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: IASCA Annual Membership Meeting
Time: Apr 9, 2022 12:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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