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A word From the President COVID-19

Hello, as you may be aware the Class and Closed is not being held tomorrow April 18th. I do plan to hold them. Just when things are clear. Perhaps in the Summer or Fall. The location of the Closed Championship will be in Iowa City. Once the location and date are secured. We will be sending out invitations for the players. The current point spreadsheet is posted on the website and if you are in the top five or are Arshaq Saleem you are invited. However I cannot assume all players will be able to play and then we would go down the list. We also need to hold the girls championship. Our current plan is to invite the top 4 female players (by rating) in high school or below for a quad to be played at the same time as the Closed Championship.

The other thing that needs to happen is the annual meeting there are a few positions that will be open. Cub Noble is going to take a stab at En Passant editor. Please send him games! He needs games, stories, puzzles and pictures to put in the magazine. We will see how his reboot looks!

We have had two people interested in taking over the website from Bethany, I apologize for not reaching out as I should. I have been in a funk of late. Ben Darr is up for re-election as secretary, he did just take the position, and I will talk to him about continuing on. Bethany Carson and James Hodina are up for re-election as delegates at large. US Open delegate for 2021 is up for grabs as well. The 2021 US Open is scheduled to take place in Cherry Hill, NJ.

I have seen a couple online blitz rapid tournaments held, shoutt out to the ILLOWA Chess Club, the Cedar Rapids Chess Club and the Thundar Kings as they the kept the spirit of chess alive. I have used the time and reached a lifetime tactics high and am itching to get back to the board. In the next few weeks lets keep safe, support each other and keep pushing virtual wood.


Eric G. Vigil



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