2024 Ames Spring Open
4-SS Open and RBO(Open to players rated U1250)
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Online at kingregistration.com or onsite from 8:00 to 9:25 AM onsite
Iowa State University, 2229 Lincoln Way Ames, IA 50014
Parking: There is a parking garage connected to the Memorial Union which charges $20 for a day
pass. From here, enter the building and head to the third floor. There is free parking at the 500
Wallace Rd Garage near the Gerdin building on campus. From this garage, head down Wallace
Road towards Union Drive, then enter the Memorial Union and head to the third floor. On weekends,
parking is usually free on campus in areas designated as permit required from Monday – Friday.
Iowa State University, 2229 Lincoln Way Ames, IA 50014
Parking: There is a parking garage connected to the Memorial Union which charges $20 for a day
pass. From here, enter the building and head to the third floor. There is free parking at the 500
Wallace Rd Garage near the Gerdin building on campus. From this garage, head down Wallace
Road towards Union Drive, then enter the Memorial Union and head to the third floor. On weekends,
parking is usually free on campus in areas designated as permit required from Monday – Friday.
Open: $20 before 3/23/24, $25 after, $30 onsite. RBO: $10 before 3/23/24, $15 after, $20 onsite. ISU students and staff may opt for a 50% discount. See registration page for more info.
Open: 9:30 AM, 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 7:00 PM
RBO: 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM, ASAP
Open: $500 b/30. $175 1st, $100 2nd, $75 3rd, and $50 to top Class A (players rated from 1800 to 1999) and Class B (players rated from 1600 to 1799), as well as top U1600. RBO: Trophies to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, top U1000, top U800, top U600, top U400, top U200, and top Unrated.
Trophies for the top upset in each section will also be awarded!