70th Iowa Open Championship
Start Date
End Date
Eric Vigil
FIDE and US CHess rated Five-Round Swiss System
Time Control
G/90+30 increment
Sat: 9:30 am, 2:30 p, 7:00pm, Sun 9:30 am & 2:30 pm
Additional Info
: Byes: One 1/2-point bye per player. Last round bye must be requested prior to the start of the 1st round to receive a 1/2-point. Byes for all other rounds must be requested 1 hour prior to the start of the round. USCF: ratings used for pairing rank and prizes. FIDE: Swiss pairing rules and floor rulings. USCF August supplement used for ratings. FIDE rule 11.3 is enforced with regard to electronic devices. Players must turn in a scoresheet for every game. NO ELECTRONIC SCORESHEETS. No spectators are allowed in the playing hall 10 minutes after the start of the round. Players are allowed to spectate after their game is over. Spectator rules are subject to change. Bring Boards and clocks
Hotel Rate until 8/06/2025: $139/night
this is $10 cheaper than last year! Rooms fill! After 7/17/2024 last year the rooms went from $149 to $259 and then were sold out by 7/20/2024
Lastly, your guests are also welcome to call our Reservations department at (319) 337-4058. They will simply reference the group code: 90R to book their reservations. The cutoff date to book reservations is 08/06/2025.
Broadcast Link
Online at www.kingregistration.com under Iowa State Chess Association
US Chess Required:
IASCA Required:
Memberships Available Onsite:
Onsite Reg Time:
0830-0900 Saturday
Entry Fee:
$80 on or before August 1st (online), $90 afterward (online), $100 onsite.
Send Entry Fee:
Online or onsite only
Based on 40 entries
1st Place = $750.00 + Trophy; 2nd Place = $350.00; 3rd Place = $200.00; U2200 1st = $200.00,
2nd = $100.00; U2000 1st = $200.00, 2nd = $100.00; U1800 1st = $200, 2nd =$100.00
: Eric Vigil by phone at (319) 621-3116 or evigil@gmail.com.
The Graduate
210 S Dubuque St, Iowa City, IA 52240
Parking Lot Next to Hotel $2 an hour (discounted to $20 a day if staying at hotel) or street parking about 6 blocks away is free.